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Wednesday, June 30, 2010

New Trick's

Well, we have been working on waving 'hi' and 'bye' for sometime.  Last night we had a break through during therapy and Jack was doing it non-stop.  He's been doing it sporadically the past couple weeks, but now he is realizing how fun it is and how much attention he gets from it.  Here was his "hi" this morning:
He keeps his little arm straight and it goes straight up to the sky with no husband says it reminds him of certain dictator in Germany back in WWII...not good, but Jack's is adorable!!

We have started a nightly tradition that sometimes carries into the day or morning, but every single night before bed, we read "SO BIG!"
And this is Jack's impression of "SOOOO BIG!!!"
Amazing.  He is the smartest kid I know..I tell him that all the time.  I LOVE THIS CRAZY BOY!!!


  1. And just when you think he can't get any cuter than this, he'll amaze you with something even more fabulous! Way to go, Jack, you little cutie patootie!

  2. I love his "so big". You can just tell how proud of himself he is. :)

  3. wow! jack is doing terrific! love the pics! way to go jack!
